Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What is your Vision?

I love quotes! I have them all over my house. Just as pictures speak a thousand words, so can quotes. Quotes are often short and easy to remember. Whenever I am in conversation with someone, inevitably a quote that applies to the circumstance will pop up in my mind.

The truth is, “we are what we think” LOL In the past couple of weeks, I have been thinking about a particular quote.

"People, who consider themselves victims of their circumstances, will always remain victims unless they develop a greater vision for their lives.” ~Graham Stedman

Victim vs. Victor. (Sounds like a court case) LOL

In what area of my life do I feel like the victim and how can I become the victor instead? Too often we make things more difficult than they are. (Funny how that works)

Going back to the basics is simple and so important. (Just KISS)

So, I have taken the liberty to dissect some basic principles, understanding that what I am covering is not new, but written down in a way that it may be of help to someone as it has helped me to clarify some things in my mind.

1. Vision- Visualizing ourselves and our lives on how we would like it to be in the future gives us courage and helps motivate us to take the next step.

2. Goal Setting- These are dated reference points, which lead us to our visualized destination. No more Auto pilot and allowing things to happen by accident. Living Life on Purpose. (You got the power) LOL

3. Affirmations- It is important to learn to affirm ourselves on a daily basis. Making sure that our Affirmations align with our Vision and Goals. Alongside, as we affirm ourselves, it is equally important to affirm those around us. Everything we say and do is like a Boomerang. “What goes around, comes around.”

4. Acknowledging- Be Prosperity Conscious- Celebrate every Victory, however great or small. Live life in a state of gratitude for everything you already have. Show appreciation towards others.

5. Journal- Writing things down are so incredibly vital to our progress. Words are powerful. Spoken or written down, they can change the world for us or someone else.

WOW- I do love to write down my thoughts and share them with others. May this be of encouragement and help to someone. Always Remember, We are all in this together. What a wonderful feeling. Before I get another cup of coffee, I would love to leave with another quote.

"Every flower that ever bloomed had to go through a whole lot of dirt to get there." ~Barbara Johnson

With Aloha Nui Loa
Mirjam and the rest of the MacAttacks : )LOL- Laugh out Loud and Live out Loud today!

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